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sample-Cybex 625T Treadmills (CY-625T)

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No other cardio machine has ruled the fitness landscape quite like the treadmill. A staple of any fitness facility, the treadmill has long provided athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts with the means to burn fat, build muscle, and enhance endurance. Not all treadmills are built the same. Some are built with outdated technology, increasing pressure on sensitive joints and eventually leading to strain or injury. When making the investment for a treadmill, you should demand stability, comfort, and efficiency. That’s exactly what you’ll get with the Cybex 625T.

Key Features of the Cybex 625T:

The Cybex 625T is designed around reliable performance for a variety of users. Featuring the latest fitness technology, this treadmill has been created solely on the most up-to-date research on human biomechanics. Ensuring only the highest quality and top-of-the-line fitness tracking applications, the Cybex 625T will help you achieve any number of fitness goals.

The Cybex 625T is ideal for your home or commercial facility. Now you can…
  • Built for Function – Built for Safety: One of the great features of the Cybex 625T is that the belt has been completely covered to minimize wear and improve user safety. The treadmill has been built to the absolute highest manufacturing standards driven by the fitness industry, making Cybex a leader in exercise equipment.
  • Ease of Use for All Users: The Cybex 625T features a stylish and eye-level display, which provides you with an array of easy to access, easier to set up workout programs and metrics. Focus on your performance without the added frustrations of setting up a workout.
  • Features the IS3 Intelligent Suspension System: The Cybex 625T has been made with state-of-the-art technology, featuring the IS3 Intelligent Suspension System. This elite system ensures a perfect walking, jogging, running, or sprinting environment for all users. Enjoy a soft landing, a firm middle, and a rigid end, which has been proven to match the proper mechanics of running. The Cybex 625T is easy on the joints yet challenging on the muscles that matter.
  • Enjoy the easy access of the latest workout programs and metrics statistics.
  • Let the treadmill increase or decrease the difficultly based on your fitness goals.
  • Protect and support your joints during your most difficult workouts.
